This Week's Song by The Raconteurs - Top Yourself


Term limits

WSJ Sunday Political Diary:

U.S. Term Limits president Philip Blumel mocks Mr. Obama's attitude as "utter nonsense." He notes that lobbyists derive their power and influence from careerist politicians, giving rise to the so-called "iron triangle" of power in Washington: career politicians, federal agency bureaucrats and lobbyists. The idea of term limits is to break up that symbiotic and corruptive pact.

The argument that elections are a form of term limits is the standard reply from the business-as-usual crowd in Washington. "As an incumbent," says Mr. Blumel, "Mr. Obama knows full well that members of Congress have now skewed the laws to give themselves a virtual guarantee of a lifetime job. And as the self-appointed apostle of change, he ought to be taking the lead to change all that inequity."

That was in response to this from Barack Obama:
"I'm generally not in favor of term limits. Nobody is term-limiting the lobbyists or the slick operators walking around the halls of Congress. I believe in one form of term limits. They're called elections."
That is very closely related to this letter of mine in the WSJ. Checked politicians, either voluntarily or involuntarily, is the only real check on lobbyists.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

Silly Obama. Always out for his own power even though he claims to not want it at all.