This Week's Song by The Raconteurs - Top Yourself


Free markets and government intervention

By Will Wilkinson for Cato:
Many market institutions, like our advanced financial markets, are very far from being self-organizing outgrowths of unregulated market exchange. Instead they are, by and large, creatures of the vast body of law and government regulation that defines the rules of market exchange — that determine what may be bought and sold, and how — and are tightly integrated with more or less freestanding government institutions like the Fed. When these markets stumble, it’s just a rookie mistake of political economy to see that as problem with markets, per se, rather than as a problem with the way regulation and government institutions happen to have structured those markets and thereby structured the incentives of the individuals and firms that act within them.

People like to say that we're in our current mess because of the "free market", but that's only half the story. The market simply reacts to the framework forced around it by government.

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