This Week's Song by The Raconteurs - Top Yourself


Unvoluntarily voluntary

Jonah Goldberg in an LA Times op-ed:
In his speech on national service Wednesday at the University of Colorado, Obama promised that as president he would "set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year."

It's funny that, when the right seeks to use the government to impose its values, the left screams about brainwashing and propaganda. When the left tries it, the right thunders about social engineering. But when left and right agree -- as seems to be the case on national service -- who's left to complain? As ever, the slipperiest slopes are greased with the snake oil of "bipartisanship."...

Volunteerism is good. But why does every good thing need to be orchestrated by government? Most people think that churchgoing is a good thing. Does that mean the government should fund churches? That's what they do in Europe and -- surprise! -- most pews sit empty...

Indeed, there's ample evidence that countries with intrusive and expensive welfare states stifle their citizens' spirit of charity and volunteerism precisely because people conclude that every problem should be solved by government. Merely paying your taxes substitutes for charity, and cleaning up roadside litter for two years absolves you from doing anything more.

Required service is nothing more than free government labor. We might as well set their "service" up at the DMV, Social Security office, or DOT. It will essentially go straight to the bottom line, likely in the form of more money available as handouts to special interests. The sad thing is that it will be all be done in the name of love of country, when the primary beneficiaries will be politicians.

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